Thursday, July 27, 2006

Just returned home from Athens Greece. Hot, nice and educational...

One of the things I came to thing of while visiting Greece was the fact that people have different names in different parts of the world. When babies are born their parents name them due to as different things as culture, tradition, trends and even lists like top 100 baby names found on the internet.

I have actually written a few articles about baby names and posted them on my website. One of them is called Maternity Celeb Baby Names and the other is called Why top 100 baby names?

I wrote them because I found that there are all of these reasons for naming a baby. The top 100 list is naturally a great way to get inspiration and all in all that is what it is all about. Once you have decided its not to be changed "just like that" :)

When I get around to it I think that I'll create some list of names used frequently in different parts of the world.


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